Who am I?

Hi, my name is Liz McCarthy, and I’m based in Chesham, Buckinghamshire. I’m the parent of two wonderful neurodivergent children, and without invading their privacy too much, I can say I have personal experience of dealing with a wide range of issues surrounding neurodivergence.

I’ve researched extensively how the system should work, and seen for myself through personal experience and that of fellow parents how it actually works - or, on too many occasions, doesn’t - in practice.

Combined with over 30 years’ experience of teaching, training and mentoring both adults and children of all ages, and research experience as a PhD and author of courses, training materials and articles on a variety of topics, my lived experience and the extensive amount of research I have carried out in the area of neurodivergence have prepared me to help you work out how to navigate the path less travelled of parenthood.

I can hold your hand as you discover what your child needs from you and from the system and arm you with knowledge about how to go about meeting those needs, using a wide range of resources and methods.

Where possible, I can save you time - always a precious commodity, but especially so if you are trying to juggle neurodivergent parenthood with work and all the other pressures of modern life - by pointing you towards free resources and recommending further routes towards helping your child.

They say a parent is only as happy as their unhappiest child - let me help you to ensure that your child is able not just to survive but to thrive in a world which doesn’t always understand.