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Back to School Blues

How has the first week of the new term gone for you?

Did your children bound happily into school, settle down to learning straight away and come home chattering happily about what they’ve been up to with their friends and the cool experiment they did in their science class?

Or did you look forward to the first day with an awful feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach, knowing that every weekday morning for the next few weeks will be a struggle for both you and your child?

When your child can’t manage school, it can feel as though the whole world is against you.

You’re bombarded with messages about the importance of 100% attendance, the school think you’re not trying hard enough, the media demonise you as a rotten parent, your friends and family think you’re too soft.

Meanwhile, the questions are always on your mind.

How do I avoid a fine?

How do I make school understand that it’s not that my child is deliberately refusing to go to school, but that they genuinely can’t do it?

What happens if I can’t keep up with my job?

How do I secure my child’s future?

There are no easy answers, but understanding what the law actually says about school attendance, what help you should be getting from the school and the LA and what alternatives are available when your child just can’t do it goes some way towards answering these questions.

This webinar will give you this and more in a non-judgemental, safe space for less than the price of a couple of home study texts.

18 December

Another kind of Christmas