Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - Help, Understanding, Guidance and Support


Have you ever felt that you’re the worst parent ever? Even worse, has your child ever told you that you’re the worst parent ever? Welcome to the club!

When your child doesn’t behave as the parenting books say they should, it can be very isolating. School, family, friends and medical professionals frequently struggle to understand neurodiversity. They may see your child as badly behaved, criticise your parenting or simply stop inviting your child to play with theirs.

A suspicion that your child may be neurodivergent may be met with disbelief or even derision, and the road to find help for your child is long and arduous, full of pitfalls and with very few signposts along the way. Your greatest allies are usually the parents who have travelled the road before you.

SEND HUGS offers help, understanding, guidance and support to parents who suspect or know that their child is neurodivergent, from someone who has been there, heard what you’re hearing and felt what you’re feeling.

From one to one bespoke coaching to document preparation to social media chat, HUGS are offered in many forms.

Find out how I can help you today!


Do you need help, understanding, guidance and support? Send me a message and I will be in touch within 48 hours. I look forward to hearing from you!